One of the greatest things we are licensed to in life is the freedom of choice; I was lowkey excited when i chose going to Ibeshe beach over the Agodi gardens pool party in Ibadan.
Its no news how adventurous i am becoming because i least imagined what was ahead the Ibeshe beach choice i made.
Trust me, i’m here deligently ready to explore the nooks of the world and write to you about it. From me to you, all that i put up on here are nerve-close experiences that i enjoy sharing.
The voyage from the water shores of Satelite town (Festac, Lagos) was the begining of the Ibeshe beach experience.
You remember what i told you about fright being fun? Yes i was scared ontop of the water but i loved every bit of adrenaline pumping in me.
Down at the water bank, we (yes we! I did not go alone) proceeded the walk through the forest to Ibeshe beach where i was welcomed by another spread sheet of water. It felt gracious!
One foot at Ibeshe beach, i appreciated myself for choosing this trip, then i realised the power we have over our choices in life.
You and i know that it is not a beach without a playing ground, i saw peeps playing volley ball at Ibeshe beach and there was a swimming pool segment therein too.
The sheds there pronounced comfort than any other thing would, you will marvel at how comfy it feels looking Ibeshe beach in the eye.
The bamboo trees were as beautiful as the time spent there.
This is not me overstating things, being at Ibeshe beach at that moment really did help to set loose some knots within me.
How about we take a trip there sometime? You and me lowkey… All you gotta do is subscribe to my treasured blog (if you haven’t) show me love by following my social media pages (via the pink links below)
Be the 10th in my comment box and booom its a date.
Everybody asks me what the Roman numerals on my new tattoo means? I’ll tell you in another story.
Love Always!
since i am the first person to comment, can it be a date to the beach to be precise!!
eeeehhrrrm! Quick question, is the date free?? 😂
Saeedah be touring round Naija
Woow, lovely, will love to experience all you said about this place.
I should try that place out someday
Am going there Saturday, can’t believe have not being there and this place is close to my house. Tanks for the insight, now am jinjad
How can I get to the beach pls
I’m coming from Alaba suru