The strong disperse power of the Hausas into the Yoruba land doesnt seem to me a thing that can be underemphasized, with almost all our Yoruba cities having their migrant settlement area known as “Sabo.”
These Northern people of the nation have for a span of a millenium been fostering their cultural heritage and economic interest in the midst of the South – Western group.
Sabo communities all over are known to have a large number of muslim clerics and families whose cultivated dressing is similar to the world Mid Eastern race.
This is where the “henna” painting fashion slowly diffuses into this post.
Knowing how to look like an hausa girl myself, i slid my butts in a taxi to take me to Sabo in Ibadan where I had my henna painted and met some hausa kids.
“Henna” paintings, also known as “menhdi” is an art of colouring the hands and legs with the henna paste, a popular practice in Turkey, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Malaysia and so on.
Ladies in these regions adorn themselves with artistic henna paintings for different occassions like wedding, Eid festival, parties generally and even casually.
Henna is regarded to have “Barakah” (blessings) and is applied for luck as well as joy and beauty. Bridal henna paintings are usually the most with complex designs.
In Sabo cmmunity of Ibadan and other Yoruba lands where ladies are not usually encouraged to do any much of outdoor works, they can find socially acceptable and lucrative work making henna.
You can just ask anyone around Sabo for any of the houses where they make henna.
I learnt a word or two in Hausa before i left there, the kids could speak fine English – they asked me when next i was going to come to Sabo?
Word Facts:- Wikipedia
PS – I was a complete Yariyan at Sabo, being a Nwayiocha with my igbo girls them. I could be anybody, anytime at ANYWHERE.
But i want us to always go togther.
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Sai mama!