Her heart is large as her bosom
Welcoming, appealing and eventful
Of a woman witter than my pen – no wonder she is the wise one
Through fire she will be as a hard ice
Behind fog she will dazzle from rare
No! She wont loose no battle, her spirit is of a sweet fighter
Not till she raises a fist before you are down
Neither till she says to you to grow up before you pick up your bag of brains
Rather you cry her hurts to Jehova
Cos she is…..
-The Unrepentant
Since every youth has a voice
They have hip-hop!
Dont be scared they dont bite
They only bark on seldom nights
One has to brace up! They don’t look inviting
Okay now smile! They are good fellas
You might not flip them if they were a magazine
But if they say good morning to you in a cup of coffee
You would down them straight up – no sugar, no milk
What if they dress you a slim Mary on a white silk dress
You would love to cruise on the highway with them
-The Weird Heads
When it rains in his yard
You can come out with the kids to play
Next season when it burns in his hut
None of your fingers will be spared the hurt
When its dining on his table
Be on your toes not to eat to fill
Just chew on some grain enough to let you sigh
Next minute on his side is not assured
He smiles now
He frowns next
-The Bipolar
Do as the book says – so he does
Do as your heart solely enjoys – he doesnt deny
Marry one, marry four – so he fulfiled
“Go ye into the world and multiply”
Yes! Many specie of his genes have his name
And a church of the women sing his name too
His will is a lively trait of wisdom
Even the writer has her inheritance
He is a man of influence
And a good shepherd….
-The Imam
Sticks did not break her
Stones did not crush her
Wind did not fly her
Flood did not drown her
Through fire she is waxed
Through thorns she is healed
Through the dark she yet paddles
Through the heat she glows
Down in lack – she’s alive
Even at loss, she is rich in faith….
I love her
-The Vessel
PS– Darling readers, I am thankful in this 2016 for learning how to understand that people are WIRED differently. Hence i decamped from the judgemental party and accept everyone.
Write to me in the COMMENT BOX let me read about the different characters of people you have known too.
Follow my blog. You never can tell how close we might get!
Photo Source:- Google Images.
Love Always
This has always been my perspective to life. We are all wired differently… there’s always a reason why we act the way we do. Embrace each other’s diversity .