It was another saturday! Either a long or short day i couldnt yet tell, but definately another uncertain day in the journey of my disrupted university days. Yesterday, i did not know if to thank God it was friday or lament in further unsureness of when i would finally become a graduate.
The length of the day was to be determined by when food surfaces courtesy the industrious cook of a cousin i got; Dami. If she conjured the ingredients of her so craved meal on time, it would be it and if otherwise i wait till her kingdom comes.
There i laid belly flat, wrapped all over in rumpled quilt of plenty uncertainties (permit me to stress again). Will you be kind to hear me out?
I am the one who has failed humbly and tried again (cover face). I have taken long turn to see my errs amended. It was nothing but a mandate for me to complete my course of study no matter how long it took. I began the journey of 5 supposed years in 2010, longer be the days of my mother most awesome who through thick, thin and fade has been my provider after God.
Hunger sometimes comes around as a friend during the years of tedious studies in the University of Technology. One would chant the chapters of the Sembuligan Physiology textbook so well than the verses of the Psalms. Laboratory exercises by many hundreds of us to show ourselves competent were not enough for the degree.
Final year project was almost life-threatening, yet it was only in partial fulfilment of the required standard – then i knew that giving up wasnt anywhere in view.
My fellow course mates like Jimi and Olamide have made aching calls to the department for when our awaiting results would be released. *sighs* All we did was wait eternity for the green GO light.
On that great Saturday of April, (if only you’ld allow me to run to my diary to fetch the date) i got the second call of breakthrough in my life (first was in 2009 to check my name in the admission list).
“Hello Lamide how far” in my habitual sombre tone i was going to ask what news again from the school desk. I heard the silly girl spelt out my father’s long name and matric number to announce me a GRADUATE! That was live and shared from the Uni’s website. Sadly i did not have internet subscription to attest to the news myself.
I had to foward my details to Mutiat to help me cofirm cos Lamide can be more stupid than silly atimes. (She knows right #NoOffense). Muti returned the call that it was an undiluted truth. Then again i remembered that her own sarcasm sef can be hurtful than a slime cut.
I repeated same procedure to Olujimi Silas who of a sure T i knew would be under same tension wire as i was. I did not have to wait for his next word after the spice of live his “hello babe” had rushed to my ear. It was TRUE afterall.
The tears did not tarry to trip down as i jumped for victory. The wait was over, the laden is relieved. “My daughter you made it” my mummy sighed…
One week was just a picture scroll, the glorious Friday of the graduation was born into my waiting arms. Who remembers how our mothers brag about the stairs of their gele (headgear) on such days? My mum’s own was just moderate. I couldnt count how many catastrophic styles i saw around on that day. Families and friends densed all over the field of LAUTECH like pilgrimage, till then that i truly saw that it was happening!
Hundred thousands of feet trampled the soil of Ogbomosho that day, i swear to no hyperbolism that i havent seen such crowd ever in my life.
Nothing compared to the aura of glory that enraptured the air. I did not need the mirror to tell me how fine i looked, my high spirit was the better judge. My mummy did not unlock her fingers from mine as we wriggled hand in hand through the stream of people.
Ladayo Bodunrin‘s family came out in full force with plenty coolers of the rice and semo, from which we ate to spill and packed to our hotel room where it was lowkey chilling after the day’s event.
PS– Heys! Anybody among una don get extra year before so??? (In wafi tone) I tell you mehn the drill was not a joking stufz (in Falz voice). Thank God for the journey. Here i am marching in with the saints of graduates.
Its a B.Tech Physiology bro! I can as well pass for your yellow pawpaw medical consultant asides blogger. (I can even bet that the long essay exams of that dreaded anatomy helped my writing skills)
I have also known the great virtue that perseverance is. As he don master me to dey wait now so, i still dey here dey wait for NYSC stream II call up. Make they sha no throw me for bush.
Enter the COMMENT BOX gist me about a memorable day in your life too.
Love Always