This brings me to divulge my ‘on and off affair with unmotivation.’ I want to believe this is a struggle every creative goes through, but I’ve learnt that motivation will not descend on you; you just have to always be in act!
My journey of #TheShabbyPodcast was one that I embarked on as a result of documenting my mental status, and that is what has literally been playing out if I am going to be just as real and not too hard on myself. I kicked off with sharing my struggle with mental relapse and lack of productivity HERE, then I moved on to the morning routines that set me in the right frame of mind HERE before I derailed for the longest of months and finally found myself curating some mood playlists HERE and THERE.
With what I narrated, that has been the spiral of my mental status and personal scope of productivity expressed in audio podcast contents. While I’ve been focused on plenty other things and totally shunning this part, it took me to minister to myself that my goal was far from attaining perfection as I’ve been striving to, guilt-tripping myself over and yet not getting things done in this line.
Maybe why I created this page is not for the perfection I'm struggling to attain but then, I have my little audience at heart.❣️
— The Shabby Podcast 🎙👅 (@dshabbypodcast) October 10, 2022
I might have started this post with how vivid I get with myself to be able to put out what I got going on. As kind and easy I am trying to be with myself, I’ve always been very straight up by not indulging in any form of denial or delusion. I see myself as I am and process right through every bit of my status – I’ve always boasted of how I can precisely define how I am feeling per time.
This brings me to divulge my ‘on and off affair with unmotivation.’ My dictionary search did not result into an actual word called ‘unmotivation’ but rather ‘amotivation’ which meant the same thing as what I am trying to convey but it was too late to edit it in my subconscious and I am strongly convinced that people will relate to it with the grammatical existence of the adjective, ‘unmotivated.’
A stronger conviction I have on this topic is that, I am not the only creative in this bubble who one minute is up on her game and the next minute is lost for the least iota of motivation to continue. I have had several conversations with my friends and like minds, I have also sought to know better in this struggle by studying, consuming helpful contents and meditating.
One huge umbrella of fact I am embracing going forward is that, motivation is not magic, it will not descend on you like a spirit neither will you be at the luxury of its availability at all time. The best way out is to be in act, be disciplined and have a solid routine that guides you in getting things done. After all this, we can then envisage motivation falling in place.
Take a trip in my head:
Share with me, how have you been dealing with unmotivation?