I got ready for work the next day and left early enough so I didn’t see her waiting near my car. *sighs*
I got to work and went to fill in my bosses about my findings on the proposed property we were supposed to acquire for a client. This went on for the whole week and soon, the weekend was upon us.
So then came Friday, and I was back home from work. Sorry to disappoint you if you think I was this eager for a Friday because it’s a chance to go clubbing? No, I only await the long sleep that comes on Friday night and drags into Saturday afternoon through till Sunday but I dread Sunday, it moves the fastest.
Got in, had a shower, then decided to get me some things for the movie night, Suya and Hollandia inclusive, I got down the basement only to notice Lo sitting alone and pressing her phone. I stopped and thought to myself “its T.G.I.F let me talk to her in the spirit and I did.
We said our greetings and in due course of the conversation, I realized she hasn’t had her electronics fixed – that explains why the bored lady was sitting outside for fresh air. She asked what I was up to then thought to take a stroll with me.
This stroll turned out to be an upgrade to the last time we both had a walk. This time we talked better about interests, things she liked to do and so on. We made as much progress as agreeing to go out together the next day. An escape from our lonesome life wasn’t a bad idea; I thought.
The journey was slower this time, we got home way longer than we fathomed and it was damn worth its while. I asked her what she was going to be doing when she got in, and she said she’ll probably be staring into the nothingness of her ceiling.
She asked what I was going to be doing and I told her “movies and when I’m done I’ll play either FIFA or Fortnite”. You need to see the glow on her face when I mentioned FIFA, she became clingy in a second and asked if she could come and have a game. She said it’s been a while since she had a decent game, I could do with the competition myself and I said okay.
On stepping in, she admired my taste of furniture and interior decor with a comment that made me shy. I had to tell her I once worked as an apprentice to a furniture maker. I offered her a seat and turned on the TV, I went into the kitchen to serve the snacks we bought, I came back to meet her fully set up the game.
We played and yes, she was a tough competition but I won. She ate to her fill and was well relaxed as we watched an episode of blackish together, I was not really a fan of the series but the way she was laughing drew me closer. Seems she’s having a hold and influence on me now.
She was sleepy and yawning by the time we were done and I offered to see her down to her apartment. She stood at the door and she said I had been a wonderful host and hoped we do it more often, out of the blue, she gave me a hug and it lasted longer than I felt it would be. Shocked but I enjoyed it. We said goodbyes and I went to my apartment to sleep off. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . to be continued . . . . . . . . . .